Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Blog 3: Teaching in a Networked Classroom

Teaching in a connected classroom or networked classroom... 
What is a connected classroom? How are people connecting? What is the teacher's role in a connected classroom? What is the purpose of a connected classroom? What does a connected classroom look like?
These are just some of the many questions I came across when I begin to dive into the concept of the connected classroom.  When I began teaching in 2006, I had no idea what I was in for.  I was hired as a business teacher and my main responsibility was to teach computer applications.  At that time, computer applications consisted of Microsoft Office.  Wow... It is amazing how much this role has changed in 8 years.  At that time, the connected classroom meant conducting research (using the Internet) on a specific topic.  Now, I believe the connected classroom is different from everyone, but I believe a truly connected classroom allows students to connect with what they are learning.  This connection can happen in a variety of ways, but primarily through student choice and technology integration.  
A connected classroom provides many benefits for diverse learners.  Having technology available and usable by your students can promote and excel students who are ready for enrichment, but can also provide a means of remediation for those that need additional support.  There are numberless programs and applications that can provide these opportunities for our students, they just need a way to connect.  
A Day in the Life of a Connected Classroom is an article that describes a teacher's typical day in a connected classroom.   


  1. I like article you linked at the bottom! Her example surely makes a connected classroom look easy to all educators!

  2. I agree about that article! Sure makes you want to be that kind of a teacher!

  3. Victoria, I really enjoyed reading the articles. The one with the elemeatary school teacher using the tadpoles as a science, writing and math lesson and the article about the English professor and how he was able to engage his class through the use of wikispace. Great post Victoria.
