Blog 1: Professional Learning Networks
Professional Learning Networks seem to be a new buzz in education. According to the Connected Educator, "a PLN is a system of interpersonal connections and resources that support informal learning." Educators are using PLNs to connect with other educators, share resources and gain an insight on new information. The Connected Teacher discusses two different paths to take when developing a PLN:
The two paths discussed are the social media path and the information aggregation path. The information aggregation path uses the RSS Reader and social bookmarking. Recently, I was introduced to Feedly as a RSS Reader. I am just beginning to understand how it works, but it seems to file writings based on my preferences. Social bookmarking is similar, but with this method, users "bookmark" their own preferences and findings. I use Diigo as my social bookmarker and have found it to be very user friendly. The second method for developing a PLN is using social media. Applications like Facebook and Twitter make this process very easy to use. I, personally, prefer the social media approach. I think my generation is very familiar with social media, specially Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, the students we encounter are familiar with these two applications. As educators, we should demonstrate appropriate use and show our students how they can begin to build a professional network.
Splitting PLN's into two approaches is very interesting. For myself, I use things from both sides fairly regularly! In my classroom, however, I fall more on the "information aggregation" side. With 4th graders I have always been very hesitant to bring "social media" into our classroom and blogging is about as close as I've come. However, as I spend more time with social media (and as our society as a whole moves more that direction) I know it is important for me to start exposing my students to these things and showing them how all the elements of digital citizenship apply ... I just haven't quite figured out all of the logistics yet!
ReplyDeleteI think I would have to agree with you, in a classroom setting, I use the information aggregation side. In my personal and professional life, I tend to lean more toward social media.
ReplyDeleteDon't you find the "giving" part of PLNs harder than the "getting"? I have always read about teaching practices and stolen and borrowed, but I have yet to give back as much. I know that is my main goal with PLNs. I need to put out more help and ideas.
ReplyDeleteI like your blog!
Victoria, I like your blog. While researching PLNs, I came across the two paths also. When I saw the word "social", I thought I would fall more in that category until I took a closer look. Currently, I am leaning toward the information aggregation side. I agree with Katie and am nervous about bringing the social media into my 2nd grade classroom. Part of my reasoning for working on this particular masters is so I can gain some confidence to make the leap. It has been very rewarding and well worth it so far.
ReplyDeleteI agree that we are going to find multiple ways to find information useful. Likely we won't find just one PLN to meet all of our needs - especially as quickly as technology changes :)