Recently, I was introduced to a concept called "backchanneling." At first, I had no idea what this term meant or where in education it could fit. According to Back Channel Chat, backchanneling is "a conversation that takes place alongside an activity or an event." Backchanneling is very common in meetings, classrooms, and conferences.
In the classroom, backchanneling provides a voice for everyone. A classroom employing a backchannel gives students the opportunity to share concerns, ask questions, or voice opinions. This collaborative concept provides a safe and private domain that works as a discussion board. Teachers can use this method at various times in the learning process, for example, during student presentations, teacher lectures, group projects, etc. This tool allows users to express thoughts or questions without interrupting the entire class. Additionally, this tool provides a voice to users who do not feel comfortable speaking out in class.
This link provided by Free Technology for Teachers, explains five benefits for using backchanneling in the classroom.
This link provided by Free Technology for Teachers, explains five benefits for using backchanneling in the classroom.
Today's Meet is a collaborative, backchannel tool that I really like using. Here is quick screencast that I created that will walk you through the Today's Meet process:
Backchanneling is a new concept for many of us. I think if we used it, kids could ask questions in real time during the learning, and it might keep them a little better engaged during lectures.