Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Week 1... Back at it!

I am back at it... blogging. I very much enjoyed the course prior to this where we were required to blog, but to be honest, when that course ended, so did my blogging. I think the biggest constraint is time... I am sure that is the same for most people. I really enjoy reading different blogs, especially those that generated from this degree program. The class that I am currently blogging for is Technology to Enhance Literacy. As stated in my previous post, I have had little training and educational opportunities that foster literacy development. With that being said, I am very excited to gain knowledge on literacy incorporated with my passion, technology.

One of my biggest take aways this week came from reading Literacy 2.0: Reading and Writing in 21st Century Classrooms, the difference between literacy 1.0 and 2.0, “literacy 1.0 was about access to information, literacy 2.0 is about finding, using, producing, and sharing information” (2010). I think this is very easy to understand, but as educators, we sometimes forget all of the capabilities that literacy 2.0 has to offer. Literacy 2.0 is the piece that has the potential to fully engage our students.

My second take away from the reading was the section regarding what students need to enhance their educational experience. When surveying 280,000 students, the study found that students want technology integration. I truly believe that this is the hook for many of our students. The book said that as educators “we should focus on the functions of technology rather than the tools or forms of technology” (2010). This means that many of the tools will change and that students will always be one step ahead, but if we can embrace the different functions, we will develop engaged learners.

To get to know me more, please read my first post or leave your email address on my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Literacy 1.0 - I think we too often put the same information from a textbook on the web for it to sit. Literacy 2.0 is all about how students can interact with that information and make it their own!
