Monday, July 7, 2014

Incorporating Literacy

In my position, I work very closely with new teachers.  This year, I will have an opportunity to work with a new teacher, who will be teaching business courses at our high school.  As my background is in business education, I have decided to look for specific ways to incorporate literacy into the business classroom.  Here is a list of ideas: 

Article Reviews
1. Researching current technology trends and reflecting on information found using APA style 
2. Researching various business models (based on Fortune Magazine best companies to work for)

Business Plans - outline all aspects of a business plan - involves researching business plans, designing a business, defining objectives and goals (using SMART model

Ethical Situations/Business Law - locate recent unethical situations involving business and reflecting on decisions made, this will also involve a presentation on findings 

Communication Formats - review and prepare, using the block style, a business letter applying for a job

Job Application - although this might be a stretch for literacy integration, it is a still a skill that our students struggle with and the knowledge on it is very important. Students will review appropriate guidelines for completing job applications and fill one out. 

Reading Business Journals - possibly incorporate a 10 minute reading time dedicated to learning about the business world, using BizJournal

What ways will you incorporate literacy into your content area? 


  1. You have some great ideas to share!! Along with great ideas, you already have some great links/tools as well!!

  2. I like the idea of reading business journals because not many high school students are going to do that on their own. So this will not only help reading skills but it may peak their interest on a topic that they may have otherwise not heard of. Great ideas!
